Kaletzki, Charles Hirsch. Official history USA Base Hospital No. 31 of Youngstown, Ohio: And Unit G of Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY, Craftsman Press, 1919.
Hotel Thiery, across the Esplanade, the smallest of the series of hotels, was a three-story building of sandstone. The main floor, as found, was divided into two parts by the corridor. On the north side was the hotel dining room, with an entrance to the kitchen in the small building at the rear. On the south side were several small stores. The upper floors had only a few spacious rooms capable of holding five or six hospital beds. [Kaletzki, p. 33]
March 23 [1918]: The first trainload of patients for the Contrexeville hospital center brought twenty-six officer patients to Base Hospital No. 31, the remainder going to Base Hospital No. 32. It had been arranged previously that all officer patients be cared for in the Hotel Thiery, which was reserved for that exclusive use. The arrival of this convoy marked the official opening of Base Hospital No. 31 and closed the third general subdivision of the institution's history. [Kaletzki, p. 45]
Facing the esplanade were the hotels Martin Aine, Martin Felix and Thiery, all of which were used by Base 31, the last named, as a hospital for officers only. [Kaletzki, p. 119]