Source: Kaletzki, Charles Hirsch. Official history USA Base Hospital No. 31 of Youngstown, Ohio: And Unit G of Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY, Craftsman Press, 1919.
Within the park was the Hotel de l'Etablissement, most irregularly planned, ancient and poorly kept. In parts it was three stories high, elsewhere two stories. It had every appearance of having been built on the installment plan, without following any one style of architecture or any system of planning. Corridors were narrow, dark and crooked; rooms low-ceilinged for the main part, small but well lighted and well suited to the needs of the animal life readily found. The main floor of one part of the building embraced two large dining salons that promised utility. An annex in the rear had been used as servants' quarters in peace times. The large kitchen and adjacent rooms showed evidence of much neglect during the war. [Kaletzki, p. 33-34]