A Trip to Kentucky -- 2

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Baron Hill at Clark's Point.jpg (36956 bytes)

wb00475_.gif (505 bytes) Indiana Congressman Baron P. Hill speaks to meeting participants from the steps of a log cabin at Clark's Point, near the Falls of the Ohio on the Indiana side of the river. General George Rogers Clark lived at this location until 1809. A replica of his cabin sits on this spot today.

wb00476_.gif (509 bytes)The Falls of the Ohio interpretive center at Clarksville, Indiana, provides an interesting overview of the geological significance of the fossil beds which make up the falls. Their collections include several dozen dinosaur eggs.

Falls of the Ohio interp ctr.jpg (36745 bytes)

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wb00475_.gif (505 bytes) Navigation of the Ohio River is much less treacherous than it was in the 18th early 19th centuries, thanks to a dam across the river. The rocky rapids of the Falls are under several feet of water, and fossils beds (seen in the foreground here) with rare Devonian era remains are visible only when the river level drops, as it often does in late summer.


Martha and Molly, with reenactors atwb00476_.gif (509 bytes) General George Rogers Clark's cabin on Clark's Point near present-day Clarksville, Indiana.

Explorers Lewis and Clark first joined forces at this point and traveled together downriver, launching the keelboat from the mouth of Mill Creek, a few hundred yards from this site on the north side of the river.

Martha and Molly with reenactors at Clark's Point.jpg (33220 bytes)

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wb00475_.gif (505 bytes) "Pierre Cruzatte" adjusts his glasses as he speaks with meeting participants about the role of the riverman and fiddler in the Expedition's success. Cruzatte's music added a festive quality to the holidays the men celebrated while they were on their journey west, but his poor eyesight nearly cost the Expedition the life of one of their leaders when Cruzatte mistook Lewis for an elk while both men were hunting in tall grass.

wb00476_.gif (509 bytes)A encampment similar to what the Corps of Discovery would have had during their journey west. The enlisted men's tents (dark olive oilcloth draped over a ridgepole) were devised by Capt. Lewis. They did not offer much shelter from the elements and were described by one of the reenactors as "not one of the Captain's best ideas." The enclosed tent (light-colored tent on the right of this photo) was the shelter used by the Expedition's leaders, Capts. Lewis and Clark.

River encampment.jpg (31496 bytes)

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