The Arenz Family

of Arenzville, Illinois

This is a REVISED edition - Besides some corrections, this second edition of the book includes additional information on the family lineage, new information from the city archivist of Stadt Blankenberg (Hennef), and added descriptions and photos of the village of Arenzville and Stadt Blankenberg.

This book details the lineage of four generations of descendants of three brothers who emigrated from Blankenberg, in the Rhine Province of Prussia, between 1827 and 1843. They settled in west central Illinois when this territory was only sparsely settled with Europeans. Francis H. Arenz was the founder of Arenzville, an elected state representative contemporary of Abraham Lincoln, as well as editor and publisher of The Beardstown Chronicle and Illinois Bounty Land Advertiser. His brothers John A. and Peter Arenz were key figures in the village's early history. Information is presented in a manner that is respectful of the family story as well as the privacy of persons who are still living.

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454 pages, including an index and some illustrations.

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Contact the author: Molly Daniel
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