Arenzville Heritage Tour

Hesse Edition

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back cover
This work describes a trip by the author to central Germany in the fall of 2023 to visit several villages and other sites related to the local history of Arenzville, Illinois. Included are more than 250 photographs and illustrations of places primarily in a central region of Hesse, but with stops also added in North Rhine-Westphalia, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. Descriptions of these places and their relevance to the local history of Arenzville are provided, as well as an index of names of persons whose heritage is linked to these places.

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The book is 11x8.5" in landscape format, with 192 pages,
includes hundreds of photos, an index and some illustrations.

ISBN 979-8-218-47749-3

Price per book (excludes tax and shipping):

Premium color printed on 80# coated paper, hardback cover: $48.55

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Standard color printed on and 60# paper, hardback cover: $20.15

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Contact the author: Molly Daniel
Other books Molly has published.